Volunteer for Life INC Classes Hosted at Destiny

Volunteer for Life INC Classes Hosted at Destiny

Life INC classes are an outreach effort of Love INC that will be providing a unique opportunity for our church family to reach out to our community by bringing those who are not part of a church into our building, rather than the other way around. The needed volunteer positions for this outreach are similar to what one may do during a Sunday morning service. However, the difference is, most people who walk through the door for Life INC classes are not followers of Christ and do not belong to a church. 

Our hope in partnering with Love INC with these classes is that our church family would embrace this opportunity to spread the Gospel and show the love of Christ to the unchurched of our community. 

We have a sign-up sheet in the Welcome Area for the following positions: 

  • Greeter (5:00 pm to 6:15 pm)
    – make people feel welcome
    – direct people to where they need to go
    – build relationships as you see familiar faces each week
  • Information Table (5:00 pm to 6:15 pm)
    – set up handouts, community resources, and sign-in sheets
    – provide folders and material for the Life INC instructors as they come in
    – build relationships as you see familiar faces each week
  • Prepare, Serve, or Share a Meal (ready to serve at 5:30 to 6:15 pm)
    – get a free meal and get to know the participants as you share a meal
    – cook and serve a meal
    – clean up kitchen and serving area after the meal
    – sort out leftovers into take-home containers if available
  • Take a Class or Be a Class Host (6:00 to 8:00 pm) 
    – learn from professionals, community leaders, pastors, and volunteers about useful and beneficial topics for your life
    – gain common ground as you learn alongside participants
    – help the instructor with attendance and other administrative details
  • Children’s Ministry Helper (6:00 pm to 8:00 pm)
    – assist the lead teacher in activities, games, and building relationships with kids
    – teach the provided curriculum
    – help prepare crafts, games, and activities for kids
  • Preschool / Nursery Ministry Helper (6:00 pm to 8:00 pm) 
    – assist the lead teacher in activities, games, and building relationships with kids
    – teach the provided curriculum 
    – help prepare crafts, games, and activities for kids
  • Food Pantry
    – prepare and pass out food to those who have earned groceries 
    – get to know individuals as they show up each week

Please jump in to serve with us! This is a tremendous opportunity to reach people in our community. 


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