We loved seeing everyone this weekend! Feel free to message us during the week if you have any questions. If you missed this week’s message, or want to hear it again, check out our SERMONS Page. Messages are generally posted each week by Tuesday afternoon.
Every week, we aim to provide you with some questions to process the message deeper, either personally or with a small group. Here are some questions for you to consider from the message “Treasure, Process, and Purpose .” with John McDowell.
- John 6:44
- Job 28:1-11
- Proverbs 17:3
- Zechariah 13:7-9
- 1 peter 1:7
- Proverbs 27:21
- Psalm 105:19
- Genesis 45:4-8
- 2 Corinthians 1:1-7
- John 13:34-35
Discuss these questions with someone—maybe a family member, friend, or member of your Connect Group. Use a communication method that works best for your situation.
Find a conversation starter.
- What do you consider a treasure?
- What is the treasure God placed in you?
- How would you find out what that treasure is?
- How would you get it out? or use it?
Ask a question to get you/your group thinking.
- Is gold considered precious in your life?
- What might gold look like in your life or another person’s life?
- The steps in the mining process for gold are crushing, heat, and pressure. Which of these steps do you feel like you are in? Explain
Choose a question to create openness.
- If God were to put your life in the bible, how would it read?
- Where is God in your struggles? Use both seen and unseen examples, if possible.
- Have you, or do you feel like God has forgotten you? Explain.
Be bold and pray with power.
Holy Spirit,
Would you join me in my struggles? Show me how I can come alongside someone in my circle of influence who is struggling. Please help me see the good you are doing and not just all that bad. Thank you for working in my life.
Commit to a step and live it out this week.
- Pray for Shawn, Deanna, and family.
- Make a list of things you are thankful for. Review daily
- Ask God to give you encouragement. Journal what he says, you felt, or you saw.
- Determine where you focus is and then come up with a plan to change it (if necessary).
- Implement one or all of the following:
- Realize you are part of the bigger picture.
- Don’t isolate yourself with your doubts but instead find others that remind you of who you are and whose you are.
- Be that friend who comes along side of someone else as they go through their testing time.
- Be alert/aware of where or whom you may pass judgments. then come up with a workable plan to change that, then implement the change.
- Ask Holy Spirit to lead you to a friend, small or large group, that will bring out the gold and treasures in you and others. Then let Holy Spirit do the work and watch for his hints.
- Release the pressure from yourself and others God may be leading you too. Learn to cooperate with Holy Spirit, even if it is just letting him do the work he loves to do.
- Ask God to join you in your struggles.
- Review your thankful list or what God has done in your life.
- Pick one or two of those options and take steps to walk them out this week.