We loved seeing everyone this weekend! Feel free to message us during the week if you have any questions. If you missed this week’s message, or want to hear it again, check out our SERMONS Page. Messages are generally posted each week by Tuesday afternoon.
Every week, we aim to provide you with some questions to process the message deeper, either personally or with a small group. Here are some questions for you to consider from the message, “Too Legit”, part 4 of the THIS CHANGES EVERYTHING series, with Pastor Shawn M. Shoup.
- James 2
- James 1:16-18, 27
- Romans 3:21-28
- Romans 5:1-2, 20
- Romans 6:1-4
- Romans 8:16-18
- Galatians 5:1, 13
- Ephesians 2:8-10
- Philippians 2:12
- Colossians 1:21-23
- Genesis 15:6
- Acts 15
Discuss these questions with someone—maybe a family member, friend, or member of your Connect Group. Use a communication method that works best for your situation.
Find a conversation starter.
- Define justify, grace, sin, faith, and law.
- How does each of these work in or apply to your life daily?
- What is the journey your faith has taken?
Ask a question to get you/your group thinking.
- How do you see grace and law fitting together in your life?
- How do you express your faith in your everyday life?
- How are you God’s workmanship?
Choose a question to create openness.
- How has your faith changed your identity?
- How has this identity handled the promises God has given to you?
- How has God or your faith in God changed your activities?
Be bold and pray with power.
I want to see Your hand moving in my everyday life. Help me to see and never forget where I was when You found me as I am working out my faith to become all that You have created me to be and do.
Amen and amen.
Commit to a step and live it out this week.
- Get ready. Review the journey your faith has taken in your life.
- Thank God for the changes he has made. Find a person in the Bible whose faith you want to have or whose is most like your faith.
- Rethink your view of who you are. Find what God is trying to teach you about your identity.
- Spend time praising God for the work He has done and is doing in your life. Then ask Him how He sees you and your future.
- Read the book of James in one sitting for a week and journal what Holy Spirit speaks.
- Pick one or two of those options and take steps to walk them out this week.