Part 1: The Filament January 5, 2020 Pastor Shawn M. Shoup Evangelism, Jesus Lights Shine Bright 1 Peter, Genesis, Isaiah, John, Matthew, Psalms
Part 5: Meet Luke November 17, 2019 Pastor Shawn M. Shoup Evangelism, Giving, Identity Let's Not Forget the Fine Print 2 Corinthians
Part 3: Meet Onesimus November 3, 2019 Pastor Shawn M. Shoup Evangelism, Identity Let's Not Forget the Fine Print
Part 2: Meet Tabitha October 27, 2019 Pastor Shawn M. Shoup Evangelism, Identity Let's Not Forget the Fine Print Acts
Part 1: Meet Barney October 20, 2019 Pastor Shawn M. Shoup Evangelism, Identity Let's Not Forget the Fine Print Acts
Part 5: Telling My Story September 29, 2019 Pastor Shawn M. Shoup Evangelism, Spiritual Disciplines Developing HABITS Acts
Part 4: Our Aim June 2, 2019 Pastor Shawn M. Shoup Evangelism, Passion, Purpose Passion + Purpose John, Luke, Matthew
Part 3: The Fear Factor March 24, 2019 Pastor Deanna Shoup Evangelism, Fear The Art of Neighboring Luke
Part 1: Taking the Great Commandment Literally March 10, 2019 Pastor Shawn M. Shoup Evangelism The Art of Neighboring Acts, John, Luke