Resilient Hope: with Pastor Loren Houltberg

Resilient Hope: with Pastor Loren Houltberg

We loved seeing everyone this weekend! Feel free to message us during the week if you have any questions. If you missed this week’s message, or want to hear it again, check out our SERMONS Page. Messages are generally posted each week by Tuesday afternoon.

Every week, we aim to provide you with some questions to process the message deeper, either personally or with a small group. Here are some questions for you to consider from the message, “Resilient Hope,” with Pastor Loren Houltberg.


  • 1 Thessalonians 1:3
  • Hebrews 6:19
  • Hosea 2:15
  • Romans 8:28
  • 1 Thessalonians 5:8
  • Zechariah 9:12
  • Psalm 71:14
  • Titus 2:13
  • 1 Timothy 1:1
  • 1 Peter 1
  • Romans 12:1
  • Romans 4


Discuss these questions with someone—maybe a family member, friend, or member of your Connect Group. Use a communication method that works best for your situation. 


Find a conversation starter.  

  • Define Hope
  • What are the components of hope?
  • When is hope the most needed or active?


Ask a question to get you/your group thinking. 

  • How are hope and love or peace connected?
  • How are hope and faith connected?
  • How do you know if someone needs hope?


Choose a question to create openness. 

  • Use “HOPE” as an acronym.
  • When life is the roughest, what gives you the most hope or encouragement?
  • What actions can provide the most hope?


Be bold and pray with power. 


Remind me that you are the one who provides us with hope. Teach me how to pass on your hope to those who need it, even if that person is me. Reveal to me where you are in my life so that I may have more security and hope in my life.

Amen and amen.


Commit to a step and live it out this week. 

  1. Pray for Shawn, Deanna, and family.
  2. Do a word study using the word “HOPE”.
  3. Take note if your words contain hope, pain, gossip, etc.
  4. Look for ways to encourage someone or to give another hope.
  • Pick one or two of those options and take steps to walk them out this week.



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