We loved seeing everyone online this weekend! Feel free to message us during the week if you have any questions. If you missed this week’s message, or want to hear it again, be sure to check out our SERMONS Page. Messages are generally posted each week by Tuesday afternoon.
Every week, it’s our goal to provide you with some questions to process the message deeper, either personally, or with a small group. Here are some questions for you to consider from this week’s message, “100 Reasons to Be Encouraged”, part 4 of the POSITIVE message series with Pastor Shawn M. Shoup.
“I have heard all this before. What miserable comforters you are! Won’t you ever stop blowing hot air? What makes you keep on talking? I could say the same things if you were in my place. I could spout off criticism and shake my head at you. But if it were me, I would encourage you. I would try to take away your grief.” Job 16:2-5 NLT
The tongue has the power of life and death … Proverbs 18:21 NIV
But encourage one another daily, as long as it is called “Today,” so that none of you may be hardened by sin’s deceitfulness. Hebrews 3:13 NIV
David was now in great danger because all his men were very bitter about losing their sons and daughters, and they began to talk of stoning him. But David found strength in the Lord his God. … Then David asked the Lord, “Should I chase after this band of raiders? Will I catch them?” And the Lord told him, “Yes, go after them. You will surely recover everything that was taken from you!” 1 Samuel 30:6, 8 NLT
… but David encouraged himself in the Lord his God. 1 Samuel 30:6 KJV
Discuss these questions with someone—maybe a family member, friend, or member of your Connect Group. Use a communication method that works best for your situation.
Start talking. Find a conversation starter for your group.
- How has someone encouraged you recently?
- How do you like to encourage others?
Start thinking. Ask a question to get your group thinking.
- Do you ever find it difficult to encourage others? What are some reasons you might not encourage someone?
- Our words have the extraordinary power to give life, build faith, and offer hope. How might your words change if you took that knowledge to heart?
- Have you ever found strength in God when you were facing a battle? How did God encourage you?
Start sharing. Choose a question to create openness.
- What are some ways you can use the gifts God’s given you to encourage others this week?
- Are you in need of encouragement? How can you reach out to God and others for the strength you need to go forward?
Start praying. Be bold and pray with power.
Father, thank You for everything You do to support us and encourage us in the battles we face. Help us to seek You when we’re in need of help and to use our words and our actions to encourage the people around us. In Jesus’ name, amen.