Pastor Shawn Shares From Washington DC

Pastor Shawn Shares From Washington DC

Providence has it that Pastor Shawn was scheduled for surgery this week in DC. No, he was not in town for any political reason. But, just maybe, God had in mind to place him there to be on his knees during this week’s fasting-focus, which is the “global church and the nations”.

Watch as Shawn shares what God is speaking from Psalm 11 and Genesis 3. And let us continue praying, together, for the United States of America, and the unity, love, and compassion of the church. Like the Apostle Paul told the Ephesians: that we would “put away malice and anger, but put on compassion.” (Eph. 4:31) Jesus, Himself, said to us, “Clothe yourself with compassion.” (Col. 3:12) That’s what we do!


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