We loved seeing everyone this weekend! Feel free to message us during the week if you have any questions.
If you missed this week’s message, or want to hear it again, be sure to check out our SERMONS Page. Messages are generally posted each week by Tuesday afternoon.
Every week, it’s our goal to provide you with some questions to process the message deeper, either personally, or with a small group. One option: join us on Wednesday nights at the Destiny office building for the GOING DEEPER Connect Group.
Here are some questions for you to consider from this week’s message, “Taking Sides”, part 2 of the ONE ANOTHER message series, with Pastor Shawn M. Shoup.
1 Corinthians 9:19, 21, Galatians 6:2 NIV
Discuss these questions with someone—maybe a family member, friend, or member of your Connect Group. Use a communication method that works best for your situation.
Start talking.
Find a conversation starter for your group.
- What is the weirdest or funniest fight or argument you’ve ever mediated?
Start thinking.
Ask a question to get your group thinking.
- Share a time when you “shared someone’s burden”. (Galatians 6:2)
- Share a time when someone “shared your burden”. (Galatians 6:2)
Start sharing.
Choose a question to create openness.
- Galatians 6 talks about “the law of Christ”. Pastor Shawn talked about how “the law of Christ” is to “…love each other in the same way I have loved you.” (John 15:12)
- How might this “law” play out in the life of the modern Christ-follower?
- How might this “law” play out in our current political climate?
- Have you been true to this “law” in your life? In your home? Your job? Out in the world?
Start praying.
Be bold and pray with power.
Jesus, please help me to be more like You. Help me not to divide, but to unite. Help me not to hate, but to love. Help me not to bring chaos in our world, but to be a messenger of Your peace. Guide my words and attitudes. Help me to do good, in Your name, for Your glory.
Start doing.
Commit to a step and live it out this week.
- Think: What sides have you taken in this world? Do you need to choose different sides? Jesus’ side?
- Plan: What steps can you take this week to build healthy boundaries in the political world to keep you true to Jesus ‘law’ and not the ‘laws’ of the world?
- Pray: Ask God to teach, train, and guide you in His ways, as you move forward with His plans for your life.
- Do: Enact your plan with the leadership of Holy Spirit.