It’s All Good: Christmas Series

It’s All Good: Christmas Series

When we hear good news, we lean in and hope it’s true—even before believing it.

So, if the message of Christianity is supposedly good, why don’t more people lean in?

Perhaps we need to take a fresh look at this good news to see if our current version is in line with the original one.

People close to Jesus were convinced they had met good personified. So they documented the story.

They were convinced it wasn’t just for a nation or for a generation, but for all nations and every generation. This was good news, great joy, for all people—perhaps especially for those of us who aren’t all that good.

If you don’t buy the story of Christ because it never sounded good, maybe you’ve never heard the original version. The original version is good news for the unrighteous, but threatening news for the self-righteous.

Watch or listen to messages given at Destiny on our Sermons Page.


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