We loved seeing everyone this weekend! Feel free to message us during the week if you have any questions. If you missed this week’s message, or want to hear it again, be sure to check out our SERMONS Page. Messages are generally posted each week by Tuesday afternoon.
Every week, it’s our goal to provide you with some questions to process the message deeper, either personally, or with a small group. Here are some questions for you to consider from this week’s message, “Your Invitation”, part 8 of the DON’T WASTE YOUR LIFE series with Pastor Shawn M. Shoup.
- Revelation 3:15-20
- Colossians 1:15-16
- Micah 6:8
- Genesis 5
- 2 Timothy 3:1-4
- Genesis chapters 1-3
- If you have time, read the whole chapter where only 1-5 verses were used.
Discuss these questions with someone—maybe a family member, friend, or member of your Connect Group. Use a communication method that works best for your situation.
Start talking
Find a conversation starter for your group.
- Define Invitation, invite, and heart.
- What does it mean to receive an invitation?
- Discuss all aspect of an invitation. Include who sent and if your response was required.
Start thinking
Ask a question to get your group thinking.
- How do you view God? How does God view you?
- Has God sent you an invitation? Explain.
- What may God’s invitations look like?
- Does it matter if you have everything in order, or are perfect? Explain.
Start sharinG
Choose a question to create openness.
- Have you invited God to not just spend the day with you, but to participate with you in your day?
- Do you recognize God’s voice among all the voices in your life?
- If you were there when Enoch went with God, what would you be thinking or feeling? What if you were Enoch?
- If someone was watching you, would they see your relationship with God or just hear about it?
Start praying
Be bold and pray with power.
Father, Jesus, and Holy Spirit,
Thank You for never leaving me nor removing or revoking Your invitations to me. Thank You for choosing me above all others, especially when I am feeling small and unworthy. I accept Your invitation. Enable me to see Your hand at work and recognize Your voice among all the other distracting and demanding voices. I invite You to join me each and every day — to not be just a visitor, but to participate in it with me. Thank You for loving me enough to not give up on me.
Amen and amen.
Start doing
Commit to a step and live it out this week.
- Can you hear God? If not, what may be the distractions?
- Are you too busy working for God to actually spend time with Him? What is the difference between working for God and spending time with God?)
- Do you feel your life is too much of a mess or wreck to let Jesus in?
- Write an invitation as if it were from God to you. Then post it in various places so you would see it throughout the day.
- Pray these three simple prayers: 1) Increase my ability to hear Your voice, 2) Hasten my “yes” to open the door, and 3) Align my steps with Yours.
- Pick one or two of those options and take steps to walk them out this week.