We loved seeing everyone at church this weekend! Feel free to message us during the week if you have any questions about the sermon. If you missed this week’s message, or want to hear it again, be sure to check out our SERMONS Page. Messages are generally posted each week by Wednesday morning.
Every week, it’s our goal to provide you with some questions to process the message deeper, either personally, or with a small group. Here are some questions for you to consider from this week’s panel discussion, “Making It Habit”, part 7 of the DEVELOPING HABITS THAT WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE message series with Pastor Derick Brown moderating.
This week’s service was a panel discussion revolving around the six spiritual habits presented in the HABITS message series.
- Hanging Out with God
- What does your personal alone time with God look like?
- When we have regular hang time with God, He changes our hearts, gives us direction, and comforts when we struggle. Share a time in your life when you either experienced this, or wish you had.
- How do you make your hang time with God a regular priority without making it a guilt based obligation?
- Attending Church
- It has been said that, “There is no such thing as a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, because your relationship with Jesus is not meant to be kept personal.” Do you feel there is any truth to that statement?
- Pastor Shawn spoke this week about the Spartans. And how, in the Spartan war machine, “My sword is for my enemy; my shield is for my brother.” Have you experienced this in the church
- Being Generous
- In this message, Pastor Shawn gave us 3 directives to encourage us to give: inspect your heart and give cheerfully, reject recognition, and expect God’s blessing.
- Which of these ideals have you struggled with the most in your walk with God?
- How has learning to give with these attributes positively affected your life?
- Investing in Healthy Relationships
- LADIES: Our good friend Shannah shared with us: God’s love is so vast and lavish, that it reaches every part of our practical needs and highest hopes. It mobilizes what is paralyzed, removes obstacles, shields us from shame.
- How does this type of love affect our relationships?
- How can one love others “on purpose”?
- GENTLEMEN: Many of the Destiny Men were at men’s retreat during this message – including your moderator and the dudes on the panel. However; we were still learning this lesson in very important ways!
- What did you learn about how honesty and openness affects relationships – making them more meaningful?
- Can we disagree and still get along? What does wrestling through disagreements do to a relationship – even if in the end we still don’t agree?
- LADIES: Our good friend Shannah shared with us: God’s love is so vast and lavish, that it reaches every part of our practical needs and highest hopes. It mobilizes what is paralyzed, removes obstacles, shields us from shame.
- Telling my Story
- As you have carried the image of God into the world – how has your story impacted others in a positive way?
- Pastor Shawn shared, “I’m gonna carry the name, and tell my story, respectfully, humbly, gently, authentically, and purposefully. Because He is the greatest thing I’ve ever found in my life.” These words are a great starting place – and create a wonderful life-goal. What have you found to be the greatest challenge in living this way, and how have you worked to overcome that challenge?
- Serving Others
- Pastor Shawn shared that as a response to God’s love for us – we gather together and seek God’s direction. We worship Him and rely on each other. What has been your experience as a part of the body of Christ? What words of encouragement would you share with someone who might be apprehensive about serving with the church?
- Serving others is certainly not limited to serving within the church organism. What personal gains have you experienced from serving others outside the church walls?