How do we reach a place of spiritual restoration? Pastor Adriana Barahona says repentance is the key. Day 1 of 21 Days of Prayer + Fasting in 2019.

“Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.” (Matt. 4:17, NKJV)

Keys give us access to things and places—access we normally would not have.

I believe Jesus gave us a key for spiritual restoration when He preached His first message, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand” (Matt. 4:17). He was saying the kingdom of God was now accessible, and that repentance is the first step to enter it.

The Passion Translation instead of the word “repent” says “Keep turning away from your sins and come back to God” (Matt 4:17, TPT). Repentance is much more than simply changing your mind; it is a powerful term for turning your life around and coming back to God.

Prayer + Reflection

1. Pray for those who need Jesus, that they will see their true spiritual condition and turn to God.

2. Ask the Lord to grant you the ability to humbly accept your need for repentance, that you may enjoy the blessing of a transformed, restored heart.

3. Pray for boldness when preaching the gospel, just as the early church did, and that a great harvest of souls would come into the kingdom of God.


Print out the full 21 Days of Prayer + Fasting PDF to follow along in your quiet time.


  1. Maureen Roterdam

    started my day in prayer, for God to open my eye to His truth, for discernment, great love for all people, His knowledge, wisdom understanding of His will for my calling within this great body of Christ that He has blessed me to be a partaker in.For this America and all the leaders to hear His truth for nation. For all those that are in this fast to receive great growth in Christ Jesus…. Amen!

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