Cuba Missions Training Trip

Cuba Missions Training Trip


We (Pam and Derick) woke up one morning in June to an email inviting us to go on a Youth Pastors’ Mission Intensive in Havana, Cuba, in early January. Not knowing all the details or who would be going, we both felt a stirring in our hearts to say “Yes!” We later found out that it will be a missions trip/training, along with other youth pastors from across the Gateway Foursquare District, to learn how to lead future mission trips by experiencing it firsthand. We are very excited to be heading to Cuba from January 3 to January 9 in 2019.

There will be eight of us traveling together from Denver to Havana. We will be spending our mornings in Havana learning in a classroom setting and then going out and experiencing what we have learned in the afternoons.

While we have our basic funding for the trip already covered, if you would like to donate on top of that to help us bless the people of Cuba, it would be most welcome. Another way you can help us out would be to keep us in prayer leading up to and during our trip to Cuba.

Things you can pray for:

  • Safety in travel to and from Denver, on our flights, and in Cuba.
  • Friendships in our group as we live far apart, and some, we’ve only just met.
  • Grace for the situations we can’t control.
  • Opportunities to share the love of God with those we encounter and an openness to the gospel in the hearts of the Cuban people.

We are excited as this opens up opportunities for us to lead mission trips in the future. Thank you for your love, prayers, and support! If you have any questions, feel free to contact us.

Pam and Derick Brown 


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